Outdoor unit MultiV Modular

  • Convenient installation
  • Quiet operation
  • Various combinations of indoor units and large distance between modules
Horsepower 5
Model Combination ARUN050LMS0
Compressor unit ARUN050LMC0
Heat exchanger module ARUN050GME0
System capacity Cooling (nominal) kW 14,00
Btu/h 47,800
Heating (nom.) kW 14,00
Btu/h 47,800
Heating (max) kW 16,0
Btu/h 54,600
Input power  Cooling   kW 4,12
 Heating   kW 3,59
Heating (max) kW 4,32
HONOR Based on nominal capacity 3,40
COP Based on nominal capacity 3,90
Based on max capacity 3,70
Power Factor Book. 0,93
Number of indoor units to connect 10
Horsepower 5
Model Compressor module Heat exchanger module
Box color Morning Gray Galvanized Steel Plate
Net mm 580 × 700 × 500 1,562 × 460 × 688
With packaging mm 618 × 833 × 564 1,806 × 537 × 825
Weight Net kg 69 84
With packaging kg 76 95
Compressor Type Hermetic Motor Compressor
Working volume cm3/rev 31,6
Turnovers rev/min 3,6
Output power IN 3,2
Start method DC Inverter Starting
Type oil FVC68D (PVE)
Heat exchanger Wide Louver Plus
Fan Type Sirocco Fan
Output power x No. IN 400 x 2
Air flow rate m3/min 60
ft3/min 2,119
Management Direct
Free thrust Nominal (factory setting) mmAq(Pa) 3 (29)
Max. mmAq(Pa) 16 (157)
Pipe connections Liquid mm(inch) Ø 9.52(3/8) to IDU Ø 12.7(1/2) to Comp. Module
Gas mm(inch) Ø 15.88(5/8) to IDU Ø 19.05(3/4) to Comp. Module
Drainage mm(inch) 25 (1)
Sound pressure Cooling (nominal) dB(A) 45 45
Heating (nom.) dB(A) 45 45
Sound power dB(A)
Protective devices High pressure protection High pressure sensor
Compressor/fan Over-heat protection Fan driver overload protector
Inverter Over-heat protection
Over-current protection
Communication cable (VCTF) No.×mm² 2C × 1.0 ~ 1.5 to IDU