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Our Services

Quality & Services

ENERGON’s premises offer to professional customers special services and support to make them more successful on the job site.

Through dedicated contractor services desks, professional customers have access to loyalty programs, volume discounts, direct ship programs, credit programs and other specialty sales initiatives.

Energon KS Energy for Comfort Logo Website Kosovo Albania Prishtina
Energon Smart Comfort slogan Website Kosovo Albania
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Energon air conditioning products prishtina kosovo
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energon sanitary products prishtina kosovo
energon photovoltaic system products prishtina kosovo

Our Commitment

Energon commitment towards clients is a long lasting term and we are fully dedicated to offer innovative solutions and provide top services that satisfy the most demanding expectations

Our Partners:


The ENERGON's values guide the beliefs and actions of all employees on a daily basis. Our values are the fabric of the company's unique culture and are central to our success. In fact, they are our competitive advantage in the marketplace. Associate pride and our "blue-blooded" entrepreneurial spirit are distinctive hallmarks of our culture. We exercise good judgment by "doing the right thing" instead of just "doing things right."


Our Company's inventory will consist of up to 20,000 different kinds of materials and equipment for:
• heating systems
• air conditioning
• water management
• sanitary
• photovoltaic systems
• service and maintenance for all marketed products
• technical consultancy for installation, etc.


We are committed to being a regional company by enhancing our direct relationships with quality manufacturers, and reinforcing the confidence we have in global suppliers to provide products that offers ENERGON's customers quality, value and innovation. The company have as suppliers important producers all over Europe, from Italy, Germany, Turkey, Austria, China as well, and other countries, who have the capacity to provide materials and equipments at very high quality standards.